About Us
TrueBridge is a family of churches that is held together by strong relationships and a common desire to see God’s kingdom advanced around the world.
Our Mission
Building healthy and effective churches to the glory of God
Our Goal
Our goal is to see New Testament churches multiply and thrive. We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and, as is outlined in Ephesians 4:11-16, He works through various ministries to build his church and keep it healthy. We endeavor to follow Christ and his Word as we nurture existing churches and plant new ones.
What We Do
TrueBridge is a family of churches who share a common vision of relating foundationally and practically to New Testament truth.
We work to restore the church to her “roots” exemplified in the New Testament. As seen in E.H. Broadbent’s book The Pilgrim Church, history confirms there have always been churches “who endeavor in their meetings, order, and testimony to make the Scriptures their guide and to act upon them as the Word of God, counting them sufficient for all their needs in all their circumstances.”
God is glorified and His work flows best through people who are united in loving, biblically healthy relationships.
We will choose to love God & all others as we are loved by God
We will forgive unconditionally the same way we are forgiven
We will accept just as we are accepted in the beloved Jesus
We will do life together
We will demonstrate in our actions that we highly value and appreciate people
Biblical View
The Bible is the inerrant word of God and therefore our standard for all we believe, teach and practice.
We will hold to the truth and authority of Scripture no matter what the cultural trends may be
We will teach the truths of Scripture to equip God’s people to live lives that honor Him
We will live our lives according to Scripture in such a way that others may follow our example
We will evaluate our doctrine against proven, historical theology
Train and impart to leaders so that they may do the work of the ministry.
We will spend quality time with the “equippees”.
We will provide materials, conferences, seminars
We will help leaders discover their purpose, gifts, and calling, and avenues to apply them
We will train to know, understand, teach TRUTH Ephesians 4:11-12
Holy Spirit
Honor and desire the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, His gifts, His fruit and His ministries.
We will regularly teach, preach & model this value
We will create environments which welcome and nurture the effective development of the Spiritual Gifts
We will identify, train, equip & support “5-Fold” Ministries
We will intentionally explore new opportunities for the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God outside of church environments
We will emphasize the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as an important aspect of effective Christian living.
Great Commission
The primary mission of the church is to go and make disciples in our community, our region, our nation, and other lands.
We will build a church culture where members are motivated & equipped to make disciples
We will build an outreach culture in each church and ministry
We will train leaders who will plant churches
We will train, send & support global missionaries
TrueBridge Leadership
Doug Wing
TrueBridge Team Leader
Larry Dorman
Leadership Team
Ben Goodman
Leadership Team
Ryan Stockstrom
Leadership Team
Brad Binder
Leadership Team
Matt Cherry
Leadership Team
Amy Robinson
Office Manager